Final Friday
So, today we took photos with some of the people in the office who have taken us under their wing at one point or another over this two month journey. I want to share them and what they mean to me with you all today! (Without getting too emotional...ugh, goodbyes are no fun people). This first photo is me and Silas, our driver to Ruma. He is so nice and always makes sure to say hi to us whenever we are in the office! Of all the people we met, he was one that (before he really knew us) was willing to go out of his way to do things for us, like take us to Ruma National Park early one Saturday morning. Next is Allorris and he gave us a tour the first few days when we arrived in Mbita. His daughter, Genevieve, is in my class and gives him nightly updates about what we do. He always talked to us each day and was another friendly face that we loved working with (I hate that I'm know having to talk in past tense....I'm still try to figure out how two months went by so quickly)
Here is a photo of a big group of us. From left to right: Silas, Isaac, Eunice, Momma Matilda, Me, and Allorris.
Finally, the ladies took a pic together! Two of my favorite people to work with were Eunice, an IT lady who taught me everything I know about SPSS statistical analysis, entrusted me with an icipe labtop, reviewed my report and answered my silly, sometimes badly worded, questions about any portion of it...all with a smile on her face...and Matilda. Matilda took on many roles and I don't think "Kenyan mommy" does enough Justice, but I am forever grateful that she called me her daughter and let me become part of the family over the last two months. Matilda was as much of a teacher as she was a best friend, a "tough love giver" as she was sweet and understanding, a mother as she was a sister...and she never ceased to make my day or cause a smile. Because of Matilda, I stepped way out of my comfort zone with my project and I am so thankful that I did. Much love to the lady deserving of much more credit than she gets. Currently campaigning to #BringMatildaToIowa2016 to the World Food Prize if anyone wants to help ;)
Next is Kimani, the guy who always prints our papers off for us! He also attends the gym class that I go to on Monday and Wednesday and it is nice to see a familiar face! He is very nice and told Issac that the men don't smile in photos.
Last is Salim. Salim (Deon...haha!) was one of my favorite people. We LOVE Salim. Granted, we are sitting in the driver/technicians seats at the office and see them daily but Salim drove us everywhere without any sort of complaint and was always willing to talk with us and answer our Kenyan questions or tell us silly words in Swahili. Rabollo is banana, paka is cat, and it's too late for me to remember any other words :) Salim is a face I will most certainly miss, but I'm glad we got to embark on many Kenyan adventures with him by our side.
After a sad slew of goodbyes and photos at the office, Isaac and I walked over to the school for my class at 5-6. I promised my kiddos that Isaac would visit them on the last day of class...but I never thought the day would actually get here. I've been dreading saying goodbye and leaving the kids whose personalities, names, faces, and stories I've come to love and appreciate over the last two months. On our walk there, Isaac passed some students from his Form 4 Mathematics class who said they were going home because it's Friday and they leave early (I still don't have the system down guys). Frustrated, I hoped and prayed that my kids would still be there so I could say a proper goodbye. Lucky for me, a majority of them were still there..but we're getting ready to go home. I told them I would miss them and that they made my summer the best one ever and that they were all smart and important; they ended up convincing their administrator guy to let them stay at school a little longer to say goodbye to me and let me teach my last class. We ended up having class outside with the ones that remained and to my surprise, nearly my entire class was there. Kevin, J-Dog, JJ the Jet Plane, Faith, Genivieve, Vion, Mary Stacy, Wendy, Nelly, Noevy, Rachel...I was at a loss of words when these kids were begging for the chance to just talk with ME one more time. Wow, it's just setting in that I will no longer be teaching them and it's like a huge hole exists in my heart. We didn't do much learning, we sang "if you're happy and you know it" and "you are my sunshine" again, the kiddos lined up, we tried to play some American games that took a long time to figure out, and I passed out a worksheet for homework from their actual teacher Mr. Elvis. They wanted their sticker gifts today (for the second time) and some got really sassy about not getting them today, but we were outside with other students from other classes and I didn't have enough for all of them AND my class and didn't think that was fair. I'm hoping Khalela will be able to drop the stickers by the class whenever she comes back to Mbita. I lined the kids back up and said goodbye to all of them one by one. Afterwards, Isaac said something along the lines of "I could've never lined my kids up in class...when I saw you do that I was like props to you" but the kids and I have developed such a level of respect for each other that they listen to me and I love listening to them. It's so hard to leave such intelligent, strong willed, crazy, beautiful, hilarious, endearing, kind hearted, ambitious, engaging, adventurous, and respectful kids and I am so excited to read their letters.
Sidenote: my experience with my kids from this week alone reminded me of something very important. You're not always guaranteed the next day, the next opportunity, the next interview, the next trip, etc. I, regretfully, had some nights where I would just vent. The kids weren't behaving, I don't think anyone was listening, they didn't understand the lesson, what do 5th grade kids learn in English? Looking back, I would love to have just one more chance to teach them in the classroom...but I won't get that chance. At least not while they're in Form 5 English class. Maybe Form 6 English. Who knows. The point is, I expected to get to teach today. I expected to get yesterday. And when I didn't get either opportunity, it made me realize that you have to soak up every ONE chance you get in preparation that there may never be another. While my heart says I'm coming to Kenya, what if it doesn't work out? What if I don't come back for several years or worse, not at all? What if this is the last time I see these people...ever? Love the chances you get and the opportunities while they last, folks.
Below is a photo of some kids who wanted me to take a picture so that I "wouldn't forget them." In a class of over 80 fun lovin' kiddos, it's really hard to know all of their names but this last week (which ended up being only 3 1/2 days of classes sadly) I tried really hard to meme prize names. The ones I can recall in the photo below are: the girl laughing holding the paper in the front is Vion, then Sakina, then Mary Stacy, and the girl in the back smiling a very if smile is Genevieve (Allorris' daughter), and the boy in the back back is Maxwell or Godwill, they look similar to me!So, after outdoor class, this is what my feet looked like. The only shoes I have left are my Chacos. Matilda has been commenting on how much she liked a pair of strappy sandals I had (they were less than 10USD from Walmart) and one day she tried them on and they fit her. Today I gave them and another pair of old brown sandals that I had brought as like "these can get dirty" shoes to her as a gift. She insisted on paying me 1,000 Shillings but I could tell she was excited to wear them. I will throw out my tennis shoes or donate them, they are in pretty bad shape to come home. My kids laughed at my feet and told me I looked like "one of them" now. I love my kids. I gave one kid the nickname of "J-Dog" and I made them promise me to never stop calling him that. Dinner was depressing. Isaac and I were literally the only ones at all. Instead of the normal 30 minute-2 hour wait time, I waited 4 minutes for my food and smoothie (which I didn't even have to order -- they just knew I would want it!). Subconsciously I was waiting for Khalela to show up for dinner and no one ever did. It really is like the beginning and I don't like it. "Last Saturday" is tomorrow and I'll spend all day working on my report anxiously anticipating the BR Intern Skype Call in the evening. Still trying to avoid "the end" and haven't packed yet. Oops. Add that to the to-do list. Jambo!